The Amber Flag Team is made up of students across all year groups. It is based on an application process and this year 30 students were successful. The team is student led with the support of Ms. Convery and Ms. Martyn. The team’s mission is to promote positivity in Lusk CC. It is hoped that this will benefit the mental health of our whole school community. The Amber Flag Team organise whole school themed weeks and events including ‘Stand Up week (November), ‘Merry Month’ (December), ‘Friendship Week’ (January), ‘Well-being and ‘Internet Safety Week’ (February). A favourite of the team is collating staff and student shout outs which recognises everyone’s achievements however small or big they may be. The team are currently working on creating a Wellness Zone in one of our new school areas.
Our team members have been lucky enough to receive training to aid them in their role. We have JIGSAW ambassadors who help to develop knowledge and skills on how to effectively manage your mental health through peer teaching programmes to all junior students. These students also represent the student body on our ‘One Good School Initiative’ which we have rolled out this year. Both of these programmes are supported by JIGSAW- the youth mental health charity. We also have Safer Internet Day ambassadors trained by Webwise who will lead our team in our Internet Safety Week.
As a reward for their hard work the team have been awarded their third consecutive Amber Flag from Pieta House. We are very proud of this achievement and happy to see this flag flown proudly outside our school. Now to continue this great work so our flag can be renewed this year!