Do I have permission to leave the school grounds at lunchtime? No student is allowed leave the school grounds at lunchtime. There are plenty of spaces to eat your lunch in our Central Area and Courtyard.
Is there a canteen available? Yes, we have a cashless canteen operated by Get Fresh.
Do I move from class to class? During a normal school year, you move from class to class. Teachers will be based in the classrooms and you go to their room on your timetable. You will move to a different classroom for our specialised subjects such as Art, Home Ec, Science, Wood Work, Technology or Tech Graphics.
What are the rules about the P.E Uniform and changing? The correct P.E. uniform must be worn for P.E. You will be allowed time to change in the changing rooms beside our gym. However, during Covid times, students are allowed wear their full P.E. uniform for the full school day and do not need to change.
How can I find my classrooms? Your tutor will bring you on a tour of the school in your induction to Lusk CC. Your classrooms will be on your timetable. If you are not sure where to go, ask another student or a member of staff. They will tell you where to go. We have a one-way system in place that must be followed. We have arrows on the floor that show you what way you are supposed to go.
What are the rules about the school uniform and jacket? All students must wear the correct uniform and school jacket. Read the uniform policy in your journal for more information. You will be given your house tie on the first day of the school year.
What is the House system? Here in Lusk CC we believe in our core values of Respect, Responsibility and Kindness. To build a school where we are all kind and work together to be inclusive and respectful, we have set up a House system. Currently we have 6 houses – Curie, Mandela, Bronte, Picasso, Einstein, Ashe and Markievicz. In each year group there is a class that represents their house. They participate in competitions to earn points, receive positive points for participation, classwork and effort. All of these points are calculated and prizes are given out throughout the year for the best class. The points are then a running total for the House Cup that is won at the end of the school year in May.
Do I get my own locker? Lockers will be assigned to students. Students must take note of their locker number and combination code for their lock.
Where do I find information about extra- curricular activities? Check website or noticeboard for list of activities, check Teams for updates. You can ask your teachers for information and they will tell you what teacher organises that activity.
What do I do if I lost my journal? You must notify your year leader as soon as you can’t find it. You will then be able to purchase a new one from the school at a cost of €10.
What way can I make friends? Joining extra- curricular activities is a great way of making friends. Participating in group work activities within your tutor group is also a great way of making new friends.
If I am worried over something, who can I talk to? You can speak to your friends. If you think you need to speak to an adult, you can follow the ladder of referral.
Year Leader
Guidance Counsellor
Deputy Principal
There are lots of people who to support you and make sure that you are in a happy environment in school.
What is tutor time? Tutor time is from 08.30-08.38am every morning. Your tutor is the first point of contact in the school and is a pastoral, caring role. They are there to mark your attendance, collect absence notes, sign your journal and check it has been signed by your parent/guardian each week, let you know general announcements and answer your questions. Tutor time involves all of these administration tasks and usually a well-being activity to set everyone up for a positive day.
What do I do if I can’t remember my homework? Try get into the good practice of recording your homework in your journal for every class so you will be organised for your lessons. If you are in school and you are unsure about your homework, you can find your teacher and ask them before you go home. If you are at home, you can comment on your Teams and maybe your teacher or classmates might reply. If a reply is not sent on Teams, get a note from your parent in your journal explaining this and then catch up with the work when your teacher can explain it to you in your next class.
What do I do If I need to go home early? You must have a note in your journal. Show it to your tutor and year head who will sign it. When you need to leave go down to the main office with your signed note. Your parent/ guardian who is collecting you must sign you out at the office. During Covid times, you are to email this note to both your tutor and year leader. Once they reply you have permission to leave and can leave at your time without being signed out of the office. If no one replies to you, you should find your year leader in their office and show them your note to leave early.
What do I do if I am late to school? Report to the main office with a note in journal explaining why you were late. You will then be given a late stamp which you will show your teacher when you go to class.
What are the new Covid measures that I should expect to follow?
Windows are open in the classrooms to ensure good ventilation.
One-Way system in place to avoid congestion in corridors.
Hand sanitizing stations outside every classroom that students are encouraged to use.
Workstations, and eating benches are wiped down with sanitized wipes after used.